Mark Kuca | President/Owner
Mark Kuca's interest with sound systems began at a very early age; he started taking old transistor radios apart and making quadraphonic sound when he was six years old. He continued to follow his hobby through high school and then worked his way through college working in the retail audio/video field.
After college graduation, Mark pursued a career in banking and finance, but felt compelled to explore his dream to make a career out of his love of sound systems.
In 1994, Mark started Mid States Audio, Inc. as its sole employee. Soon after, Mid States added Jim Lane and Mike Conroy. Both have been instrumental in the business’ success and have become lifetime friends. Mid States has continued to grow and in 2000, they decided to add video as a main component to the business model. As Mid States continues to grow, no project is too large or too small. They have completed projects from simple meeting rooms to audio systems for large arenas like the Denny Sanford Premier Center in Sioux Falls.
Mark adds, "My work and my life is guided by my faith and my faith is first and foremost in my relationships with customers and employees."